Google announced the launch of a new advertising product called Demand Gen Campaigns, which utilizes AI to create highly targeted video and image ads on YouTube and other Google platforms.
This new ad product aims to help advertisers extend their social strategies beyond traditional platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
Demand Gen represents Google’s latest effort to compete with traditional social sites for advertising dollars.

Demand Gen Campaign Details

Demand Gen Campaigns utilize video ads up to 15 seconds long, ideal for pre-and mid-roll YouTube placements, and image carousels tailored for mobile.
Advertisers can use Demand Gen’s creative tools to tailor ad content and messaging for different audience segments.
Formats like bumper ads and carousels aim to capture attention and interest as users scroll through feeds.
In addition to compelling creative, Demand Gen applies Google’s powerful AI to identify “lookalike” audiences that share characteristics with a brand’s existing customers.
Bidding and budget tools allow granular control over ad delivery to drive clicks, site traffic, or conversions.
Source: SEJ